Spring is here, making now an excellent time to identify ways you can improve the energy efficiency of your home. Below are a few tips you can turn to in order to cut back on your utility costs this spring and summer—and free up a bit more money in your budget.
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Topics: Electrical, Heating, Cooling
So, your air conditioner unit is not working like it used to, despite all efforts to rehabilitate it. Or it’s simply very, very old. Summer is just around the corner, complete with the hottest months of the year. The ideal decision would be to get a new A/C. However, this is not a purchase to take lightly. The air conditioner is one of the most important components of a house. So, you must go into purchasing one as a person that is sufficiently informed about what to look for in residential cooling systems. Here are five of the most important tips to consider:
7 Simple Steps to Keeping Your Home Cool & Comfortable This Summer
Posted by tudi on 4/16/15 8:59 AM
Summer is almost here, which means everyone will soon be looking for ways to keep their homes cool. Obviously, the best way to cool off a warm home is to turn up the home air conditioning system, but that isn't a good idea if you don't want to pay high energy bills or shorten your AC's lifespan.
Topics: Air Quality, Cooling
Clogged drains are common problems in any home, and while they can be bothersome they can also be fixed fairly easily. If you have a stubborn clog in any of your home's drains, here are a few things you can do to fix it.
Topics: Plumbing
Springtime Maintenance Checklist for Your Home’s Mechanical Systems – White Paper
Posted by tudi on 4/6/15 7:49 AM
Now that spring is in full bloom, it’s time to dust off the frost on your household mechanical systems and get your home ready to perform in the months ahead. Making sure everything is in perfect working order will help your home keep up with the growing demands of warmer weather.
Topics: Electrical, Heating, Cooling, Plumbing
As we prepare for the final weeks of the winter season, many homeowners are looking for ways to cut costs and save a little extra on their home heating and energy bills. If winter has proved to be harsh on your wallet this year, this is hope in sight.
Topics: Heating
People are always looking for ways to lower their heating bills in the winter. The most obvious thing would be to go as long as possible without turning the heat on too high, but that isn't always an option. Many parts of the country have had a particularly harsh winter this year, and having a reliable furnace that can be turned on to fight the cold is practically a necessity.
Your home may be a dream, but it's only enjoyable when everything's working. A broken thermostat and a toilet that won't flush can make even the nicest mansion feel like an uncomfortable shack. Thankfully, with a little routine maintenance, your home can stay running beautifully 365 days a year. Keeping your home in the best shape possible isn't even a very hard task; experienced and talented professionals can quickly fix any larger issues that occur, while just a few household tools can help you keep the smaller tasks under control. As such, it's important to stock up on a few pertinent household tools. Buy these handy tools, and you'll be able to keep your home's mechanics running, and thus keep your home in tip-top shape.
Topics: Electrical, Plumbing
Household plumbing problems are bound to happen for every homeowner or renter. While many people have basic plumbing tools on hand to tackle basic plumbing malfunctions such as a clogged toilet or a worn washer, troubleshooting some of the larger issues without a professional plumber may lead to larger problems down the road. Here are some common household plumbing problems and how a local Pittsburgh plumber can put an end to them.
Topics: Plumbing
Going green with your home’s appliances and construction is the latest trend. Incorporating the latest energy-efficient technologies and utilizing recycled materials, green construction works to create sustainable designs and living solutions throughout the home.