TUDI Home Services Blog

Sizing Up Your Home's Cooling Needs

Written by tudi | 6/22/15 3:18 PM

Another summer is nearly upon us and the dreaded heat will soon be making us pant. If you find yourself constantly checking the temperature on your home's thermostat while holding a cold cloth to the back of your neck, it may be time to consider repairing or replacing your HVAC. Home air conditioning units come in different sizes, models and makes so choosing the right system for your home may be better accomplished by consulting Pittsburgh HVAC professionals.

Factors to Consider

The biggest factor to consider when choosing home air conditioning units is the size of the home. Choosing a unit that is cheaper may cost you in the long run if it isn't capable of cooling the amount of square footage in your home. If you install a unit that is too small to do the job, not only will it run constantly, it may end up burning out too. A unit that is too small simply becomes overtaxed and cannot do the job. Conversely, you don't want to purchase home air conditioning units that are too big either. While an over-sized unit can definitely cool your home, you are using more energy to run it, making it effectively inefficient.

A Pittsburgh HVAC technician can help guide you through the purchase, analyzing your home's size and helping you decide which model is best for your home. Perhaps you have been using window units, cooling only the room you are in, or placing several different sized units throughout the home. While it may seem cost effective, these units can actually end up costing you more. When the dog days of summer arrive, they run practically non-stop and as they run, they release condensation. This dripping can actually cause serious damage to your home by rotting out window sills and damaging siding. Maybe this is the year to ditch the noisy window units and finally upgrade to an energy-efficient HVAC unit.

Once you have made the decision to purchase a new central air conditioner, there are some factors to consider. Consumer Reports offers a fantastic buying guide. A few of their suggestions include the following:

  • Check your ductwork to ensure that there are enough of them and the right kind to deliver the cooling systems air
  • Check models for efficiency and consumer response. For example, is the model reliable?
  • Decide which type you need: Split system or split ductless. Pittsburgh HVAC professionals can help.
  • What features do you want and or need? Ask the professionals if you need help making these decisions.

The Importance of Professional Help

These are a few of the steps needed to get moving on that new air conditioning. Using a professional will make the process much easier. They can take care of the details you may not be aware of or have time for. Getting your new home air conditioning unit is no sweat when you use Pittsburgh HVAC technicians to get the job done.

Don’t sweat the summer months ahead and give your home the cooling relief you are after with help from the Pittsburgh HVAC technicians at Tudi Mechanical Systems. From shopping and installation to continued maintenance and upkeep, Tudi can help keep your home cool and comfortable for summers to come. Contact our HVAC technicians today for a free estimate, and get started on your way to a cooler home.