Make Sure Your Home Is Properly Sealed
Spring is a tricky time because some days are significantly warmer than others. Even if it is warm during the day, it can still be quite chilly in the evenings. Once it does begin to warm up, you want to ensure that the cool air produced by your air conditioner or heat pump does not escape outdoors. For this reason, you must ensure that your home is properly sealed. Even if your home was properly sealed at the beginning of winter—the rain, wind, snow and ice may leave you with a few areas of opportunity. This makes spring an excellent time to walk through your property to inspect for any areas around your windows that need caulking, or for any exterior cracks, seals, or gaps that need to be addressed.
Switch To Lower Wattage Light Bulbs
Now that it will be brighter and lighter for longer each day, you may want to consider switching to lower wattage light bulbs. This goes above and beyond switching to energy efficient bulbs, but also switching to a wattage that requires less energy. For example, switching from a 120-watt bulb to a 60-watt bulb will save half of the energy per bulb. While you may not be able to adjust the wattage in all of your rooms, try to do so in a handful of rooms. If you have not yet switched to energy efficient bulbs, spring is an excellent time to move to energy efficient bulbs as your current bulbs burn out.
Invest in Energy Efficient Power Strips
What you may not realize is that any time something is plugged in, it is drawing energy—even if it is turned off. It is estimated that up to 80% of the energy your electronics draw occurs when it is sitting idle or while turned off. Since it is not convenient to unplug each and every one of your electronics or appliances every time you turn them off—consider switching to energy efficient power strips. This way you can switch the power strip off when items are not in use.
Have Your Home Mechanical Systems Serviced
Your heating system works hard to keep your home warm during the cooler winter months, and if you require air conditioning will continue to work hard over the summer months as well. To ensure that your HVAC system is working to its fullest potential, spring is an excellent time to have it serviced. This way you can rest assured that your air conditioning is working properly when it comes time to turn it on. Regular service visits are also essential for identifying areas of opportunity sooner rather than later—which will save time, money, and will help you to get the longest life cycle out of your home mechanical systems.
The more small changes you make, the more money you will save on your spring utility costs. Give your home’s mechanical systems an efficiency makeover with help from Tudi’s Home Comfort Plan. Our affordable preventive maintenance plan ensures that all of your home’s mechanical systems are running at maximum efficiency to keep your home comfortable all year long. Discover how our technicians can help you keep your house a home and contact Tudi today!