TUDI Home Services Blog

How Safe is Your Home's Water?

Written by tudi | 10/27/14 9:54 AM

You probably don't give much thought to the water in your home. After all, you take for granted that the water you use for cooking meals and cleaning up after them, showering and washing clothing is clean. How do you know for sure, though? It's important to use only clean water throughout your home, whether for cooking, drinking or washing, as contaminated water can lead to illness. That's why you should get a home water assessment if you are concerned about the quality of your home's water.

Some Facts About Home Water

Most people in this country get their water from municipal water systems -- about 286 million people in fact, according to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). These are monitored by the EPA to ensure proper testing and treatment of public water sources. Approximately 45 million, or 15 percent, of Americans have a private well from which they draw their water supply. These wells are not overseen by the EPA, which makes it even more important that you're diligent about maintaining the quality of your water. This doesn't necessarily mean your private well contains dirty water, nor does it mean that municipal supplies are perfectly clean all the time either. Any water source can become contaminated from the illegal dumping of chemicals, waste, pesticides and even naturally-occurring substances -- all of which can pose a severe health risk to those who drink or wash with it.

Getting a Water Quality Assessment Test

If at any time you become concerned about the quality of your water, call in a plumber or plumbing company that can help you test the water with a water assessment test and even determine the possible cause for your low quality of water. If you're buying a house, this is often a part of the inspection process, especially if a private well is involved. These tests will detect both primary and secondary water standards. Primary standards include chemicals, microbes and radioactive elements, while secondary involves naturally occurring substances such as iron, chloride, copper, manganese and zinc, which can all affect how your water looks and tastes. Your plumber can also offer residential water line repair if it's determined to be necessary.

Don't leave the quality of your drinking, cooking and bathing water up to chance. Your family's health is at stake, so you should do what you can to ensure the water flowing through your home is as clean as it can be. For a thorough water assessment test, contact the master plumbing experts at Tudi. Our water assessment test brings in an independent scientific laboratory to bring you accurate results. Additionally, our plumbing team reviews your entire home plumbing system to ensure quality and efficiency of your system. Keep your home running conveniently and comfortably. Contact Tudi today!